Welcome to Greenbushes
Mining Heritage walk trail northern section is now open to the public - the trail begins from and loops back to the Discovery Centre, 38 Blackwood Road.
The section of the trail south of Stanifer Street remains closed to the public until further notice ,for safety reasons, during work associated with the Talison Lithium Expansion Project.
Updated trail maps - see Things to do - Walk Trails!
Last updated 13th Oct 2023
About Greenbushes
This historic mining/timber town is situated 250km south of Perth and is located between Balingup and Bridgetown on the south west highway in the state's south-west.
Greenbushes has a tantalising history and is well worth a visit.
Explore the rich seams of the Greenbushes story beginning with the discovery of a pound of tin in a creek in 1888 through to the development of a mining industry that now supplies the strategic minerals lithium and tantalum to the world.
This small town has contributed for over a century to the wealth of the Bridgetown-Greenbushes shire through its mining, timber and agricultural industries. Named for the unusual "green bushes" surrounding a well frequented by thirsty travellers journeying from Bunbury to parts south in the late 1880's, Greenbushes is situated on the oldest gazetted minerals field in WA and at 324 metres above sea level occupies the highest point of the Darling scarp.
Greenbushes has a very active community with some wonderful attractions including the Community Garden, Discovery Centre which includes interpretive displays and walk trails in the local bush, Fun Run in May, the Art Trail which includes a competition, art exhibition and public art installations, free camping facilities, Greenbushes Pool and Schwenke's wetland to explore......supported by community groups such as the Grow Greenbushes community liaison group, Community Resource Centre, Returned Services League celebrating 100 years in 2019, Golf Club.
For more details, check out the Events page for What's On